Saturday, April 27, 2013

Focusing and Counting Down

Saturday - April 27, 2013

Joe left this morning for 12 days of work in San Francisco; add some visits with Megan and throw in a little house hunting and he is sure to be a busy man.  My time alone coincides with a shift in "the countdown move" from double digits to single digits (only 9 weeks to go until we head west) so I am focusing on preparations by continuing to weed out and cut back.  This solitary interlude comes along at a time when I am also counting down to a happy event (Jonathan's graduation!) and a potentially even happier event (another clear no-evidence-of-disease scan report).

See how I tried to ward off the anxiety of cancer news by visualizing a good report?  Does that work for anyone?  Not so much with me.  Joe is talking about a celebratory dinner when we hear excellent news on the 21st.  I can't quite get to that point.  Yes, despite this most recent typical-for-me upper-respiratory distress, I feel absolutely terrific.  No harbingers of lymphoma at all.  No possible symptoms.  It's just that "lurking" word that makes me wary, the lingering distrust I have in this body that so blatantly betrayed me, those moments of slight sweat and overheating that come with the spring and being 51.  Anxiety lurks.  So I keep BUSY!  I keep FOCUSED!

Focused on my last few weeks of work as a math tutor.  Focused on sorting and tossing.  Focused on ridding myself of this wretched cough.  Focused on the sustenance of family and friends.  Focused on the many blessings I enjoy.  Focused on my awesome streak of good luck in this cancer casino.  Focused on the positive.  That's how I hope to avoid the stress of watchful waiting. 

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