Friday, April 5, 2013

Fundraising on Both Coasts

Friday - April 5, 2013

Both Megan and Jonathan are organizing / participating in Bone Marrow Registry fundraisers in the next few days.  Bone Marrow Transplant is more common than we think.  I need to amend my recent Facebook comment that in our small circle, the last eight months have seen THREE people who have faced a Bone Marrow transplant. In fact, we know of FOUR people benefiting from the efforts of "Be The Match."  I never found a match from the BMT registry and am rolling the dice that I will remain healthy without a transplant. A close high school friend of Megan's and a student from my Williamsburg elementary school are currently both preparing for transplants to combat their lymphoma. Then Carolyn reminded me that my brother-in-law's aunt is undergoing BMT at the Mayo Clinic.  So that makes four brushes with Bone Marrow Transplantation (that we know about).  Such a huge weight of family pain, time, and crushing anxiety stretching from Virginia to the Rockies.  

Be The Match helps ease this enormous burden not only by registering donors but also by reaching out to families and patients and offering concrete support.  For example, as soon as my marrow was typed and my search was on, this active organization extended itself to me through a phone call with a personal counselor to serve as a resource and contact.  A meaningful and immediate action that helped me at a crucial time.

Jonathan and Megan are channeling their anxious energies to cancer fundraising.  Jonathan is once again working on Virginia Tech's Relay for Life (details to follow!) as well as an upcoming registry drive in Blacksburg and Megan is finishing her fundraising for tomorrow's "Be the Match" fundraiser in San Jose. Thanks to everyone who has joined in these and other efforts to combat blood cancers now and in the future!  Silver linings  :)

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