Sunday, April 21, 2013

+100.4 on the Couch

Sunday - April 21, 2013

A lost day ceded to this cold - or is it the flu?  Sleeping, napping, cuddling with the hounds in the grips of fatigue and coughing.  I have been bumping up against - and sometimes exceeding - the 100.4 temperature mark that signaled an immediate no-questions-asked trip to the ER when I was doing chemo and was deemed neutropenic.  I suppose I have an almost Pavlovian response of panic when I look at the thermometer and that 100.4 number.  Somehow, this fever unnerves me more than my wracking cough.  Just a cold, just the flu, just a fever, just a cough BUT I still have a mini freak out.  Exactly how crummy did I feel?  I canceled on a chance to meet up with dear friends from Arlington.  Yup, shackled to the couch by germs. 

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