Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Accuracy Counts

Tuesday - April 9, 2012

That was THEN...
... and this is NOW!
In beginning to retool my e-folio and resume for my upcoming job search, it suddenly occurred to me that I no longer physically resemble the person in the e-folio photos and the photo on this blog profile.  I began to blog as part of my Education Masters and had simply kept the original photo on my profile.  As they say "The proof is in the pudding" and my appearance has altered to the extent that familiar faces do double takes or simply don't recognize me at all.  Not only is my hair significantly shorter but it is also coming back curlier and I am not going to color it.  Hello gray!  Time to reconcile my virtual presence to the happy reality of NOW!

The e-folio photos remain "as is", a reminder of an amazing year of learning and education presided over by my prior incarnation.  BUT the blog profile has been updated.   What's next?  Job applications?  Not yet.  Waiting for another good round of scans and then I'll be off and rarin' to go :)

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