Thursday, March 14, 2013

Yes, I'm a Hugger ...

What perfect crisp days for walks along the fabulous York!
Thursday - March 14, 2013

... and today I was cheered to be the lucky recipient of a tight extemporaneous hug in the halls of my elementary school bestowed by a teacher I had only met in passing two weeks ago when I first arrived.  With her own short (and not colored) hair, she commented on how much she liked my ultra-short (and not colored) hair and asked whether I had always kept it short.  You know me, never holding back, so I answered that it was a product of inaction - only just growing in after an illness.
"Cancer?  Can I hug you?"
And we did.
Great conversation. Great connection.  Great long hug.

And... Megan and I enjoyed some pie on Pi day.  A lovely lovely day  :)

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