Sunday, March 17, 2013

Our Favorite St. Patrick's Day Locale

Sunday - March 17, 2013
Knowing that Maureen Ammirati is the cheeriest person with whom to share a St. Patrick's Day celebration, Joe, Megan, two frantic hounds, and I headed north to New Hope to spend a brief weekend with our favorite Irish gal.  With the luck of the Irish smiling on us, the house proved to be a gathering place for a small Ammirati group; Teresa, Mary, Victoria, Margaret, and Drew all shared company and stories around the cozy kitchen table.  Carrot cake, lemon tart, Maureen's famous rotini and meat dinner, a mid-March snowfall, and even a demo game of Settlers of Catan.

Jonathan phoned to report that he had disembarked from his Bahamas cruise and his obvious excitement about his fabulous (warm!) spring break eased the fact of his absence on our (cold and snowy) visit up the Delaware. It was a swift but happy trip that gave Megan another chance to visit with her grandmother before they are once again separated by schedules and a continent.  All in all, a terrific way to spend a St. Patrick's Day!

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