Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Full Heart, Empty Nest

Wednesday - March 20, 2013

Megan gifted us with 14 happy weeks of company, laughter, and easy / contented routine but it is always difficult to say farewell even after such a long and restful visit.  Megan took off for Davis before dawn this morning, returning to her job, studies, friends, and independence.  Even now, after three months together, I can scarcely believe our good fortune in having had our adult child back living with us for such a prolonged period.  Of course, her visit was improved immeasurably by our change of circumstance; her intended caregiving during my bone marrow transplant transformed into much-needed healing and rest - for both of us!  Last night, Megan and I laughed about our bulging "Pipe Dream List" that scarcely saw the light of day.  Yes, she prepped a class and a conference and researched for her PhD exams while I got back on my feet in terms of gaining strength and returning to work half-days.  We traveled, baked, cooked, cleaned out, and organized but mostly we all just hung out and enjoyed each other's company.  And that's the best gift of all, made more pointed - more raw - by the health nightmare of this last year.

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