Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Slight Shifts in the Norm (possibly)

Another beautiful excuse to walk the hounds
Tuesday - February 5, 2013

Hmmmm ....  No fretting over test results - YET!  My mind has been successfully diverted from next Tuesday's latest installment of "big news" by focusing on:

  • Thursday's visit with two of Megan's oldest and dearest friends
  • an upcoming weekend visit with a dear, long-missed Arlington friend
  • a new spot-on Indian curry recipe recreated alongside Megan 
  • brushing my hair for the first time since I shaved it all off in mid-June
  • .... and [drum roll please] a phone call from HR offering me a part-time job through the end of the year.  Yay!  If / when Tuesday's results are good and if / when the ink is dry on a contract, I'll share the good news  :)   Tonight, I can hardly believe this shift in my fortunes and definitely feel a bit perkier with this news.  Even if by some circumstance it doesn't work out, in another mantra that the kids are probably tired of, "it is always nice to be asked."  I am very very appreciative of the offer and so hopeful that I may be back at daily work in school - with kids! - after President's Day.

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