Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Peek at a New Phase?

Thursday - February 7, 2013

Natalie, Elizabeth, and Megan
Of course, I cannot forget that bad news on Tuesday morning could once again shift foundations, expectations, and plans ... BUT today offered a peek of a new role and a fresh routine.  Tuesday's news of a possible teaching job has firmed up; I will begin teaching math in small RTI groups to 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders after the President's Day long weekend.  Happy, happy, happy!  I am so incredibly grateful to have such an unexpected opportunity to work while regathering my physical strength as well as trust in my body.  Half-day work sounds just about right these days.  An ideal situation.

Today also proved to be a red letter, A+ special day due to Elizabeth and Natalie's visit from Arlington.  Moving away from "home" means not only leaving your friends but also missing glimpses of your children's friends as they grow up.  Seeing these three sharp, savvy, and lovely women together once more is an amazing treat!  Listening to them sing highlights from their 2nd grade play was a sweet (and funny) moment :)

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