Friday, February 15, 2013


Friday - February 15, 2013

Our return to Arena Stage
Megan and I enjoyed a fabulous daytrip to Arlington and DC.  The impetus for this travel was Megan's theater treat, an outing to see Mary Zimmerman's "Metamorphoses" at Arena Stage.  Our evening itself represented a role reversal - yes, a metamorphosis of sorts.  While for years the two of us have indulged in NYC and DC area theater, this show was a complete surprise for me; it was Megan's out-of-the-blue gift.  This time, it was me opening an envelope to discover the gift of a theater experience.  Of course, I was a teary mess at my lovely girl's beautiful gesture.  Coming the day after my remarkable "unremarkable" news, our return to DC theater going was transformed into a celebration, tempered by raw appreciation of my current good fortune, and accompanied by a profuse amount of tears in the dark of the Fichlander.  "Metamorphoses" presents multiple and profound portraits of love and grief.  Megan and I just held each other, crying ....  Can you imagine if Tuesday had brought news of a relapse?  The power and immediacy of theater.

Prior to venturing downtown, we made some quick afternoon stops around our much-missed north Arlington neighborhood, popping in on friends for too-brief visits:  Rock Spring!  Betsy!  Kelly!  Casa Lanaras!  Rushed hugs and doses of happiness that will fuel me for some time.  But I need to get back north soon for a more relaxed, longer visit.  Definitely before our July move to San Francisco.  A return visit to Arlington. Now THAT's a goal to look forward to! 

Joseph topped our daytrip off by treating us to an overnight at Hotel Monaco in Old Town. A long mother-daughter linger before hitting 95 for our return south.

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