Saturday, February 23, 2013

Four Hours as a Foursome in Blacksburg

Saturday - February 23, 2013

At the Homeplace Restaurant
How is it possible that the four of us have never before enjoyed some family time together with Jonathan in Blacksburg?  Myriad combinations of Ammiratis have enjoyed visits to VA Tech (each of us alone, Megan and I, Joe and I, even Carolyn and I) but somehow we have never managed to gather as a foursome.  Today, Megan, Joe, and I made an oh-so-brief trip to see Jonathan; eight hours of driving for four hours of visiting but it was completely satisfying.  Not only did we escape a dreary rainy day in Williamsburg but also enjoyed our traditional leisurely stroll around the Tech campus under some blue skies.  Jonathan brought us out of town, through the southwest Virginia countryside to dine in the locally lauded Homeplace Restaurant.  Great food, great vistas, great company.  A lovely family day.

I remember that the last time Joe and I visited Blacksburg in the fall, I was still completely without hair - no eyelashes, no eyebrows, no hair on my scarf-covered head, and no hair on my shivering arms!  Now just a few short months later, I am MUCH warmer with my well-appreciated hair and MUCH more undercover in terms of being "touched by cancer."  I love these tangible and visible steps forward :) 

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