Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What's That Cliche about a "Closed Door"?

Tuesday - May 14, 2013

Creating math review activities was a GREAT distraction
You know the saying, "when one door closes, another one opens...."  Well today was my last day of work at D.J. Montague.  That purple and green door has now closed.  It's been such a fabulous few months!  Great collaboration with an amazing staff AND of course I loved the math immersion and working with students across grade levels.  But SOL* (Virginia's annual standardized tests) time has arrived, remediation time has evaporated, and I am now focusing on my ESL sessions at Matthew Whaley and turning more and more attention to our approaching California move.

To where? For the moment, just for argument's sake and in the spirit of optimism, let's put aside any indecision hinging on tomorrow's scans and Dr. Perkins' report next Tuesday.  Let's just ASSUME all will be well and that we get the no-cancer go-ahead to pack up all 14,000 pounds of belongings and head west to San Francisco.  Where to live?  Where to work?  Joe has been actively house hunting with a focus on Sausalito.  I have put out a few teaching applications in Marin and one in San Francisco and today that proverbial door cracked a bit open in the form of a phone interview with that sole San Francisco school.  A small first step.  We'll see.  I am completely intrigued; the school is an excellent fit vis-a-vis our shared philosophy and approach so Joe and I are both pretty excited .... And have shifted the house search from the North Bay to the city  :)  We'll see what's out there - for the hounds and for us. 

In the meantime, I am successfully warding off  "am-I-relapsing?" panic by whiling away the hours in wiki world.  Cleaning up my wiki from my graduate school efolio.  Creating pages and uploading material for a new wiki summarizing my work experience.  I get utterly lost in the minutiae and the pesky vagaries of the cumbersome formatting.  "Lost" = "distraction" and I welcome it. 

This waiting ... Such nerves ....I am sleeping terribly.... Just one more week for some solid info.

* SOL:  I agree with Carolyn that there must be a better term.  It's just jarring, hitting up against a more common usage.  My traffic language still hasn't adjusted to the reality of this educational verbage.

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