Monday, May 6, 2013

Productivity = Distraction

Monday - May 6, 2013

Walks along the York on a breezy day are the ultimate escape
It seems almost like it's been a week of suspended animation.  I am still happily immersing myself in all things math (for my job and also - let's be honest - just for fun), Joseph is still away on travel, this cough still haunts me (but I am certain it is just my standard upper respiratory issue), and I am still organizing, recycling, and packing up the car with donations for Goodwill.  I am crazy busy but am I making progress?  What is the plan?  What is the solid goal?  Everything hinges on that May 21 verdict:
  • all clear and free to head west or

  • back to cancer treatment and destined to move north for salvage chemotherapy and a subsequent Bone Marrow Transplant.  
Tick tock, tick tock (not that I wish to quote Ke$ha but she has usurped the phrase) ....

All of this immediate productivity has proven to be effectively diverting.  This week and next, my school hours have increased in preparation for the upcoming state exams and the move to California is teasing me and occupying my mind as it shifts from vague plan to tantalizing option.  Joe was house hunting in Sausalito on the weekend and found an amazing vacation-caliber view of the water in a newly renovated home which truly whet my appetite.  In addition, I submitted three job applications in Marin so the employment hunt is officially underway.  House, work, dogs, kids ...  I'm finding endless productive distractions ... which is a very good thing now that I am approaching my May 15 scan and then the all-important May 21 meeting with my oncologist.  Nerves ....

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