Monday, May 20, 2013

Logistics, Logistics

Monday - May 20, 2013

Today has focused on administrative details, logistics, and phone calls.  The LEAST complicated agenda item was finishing up (?) a months-long attempt to redeem twenty-year old savings bonds, so that gives some flavor of the level of today's minutiae and hoop jumping  :)  Maintenance men, dentist appointment scheduling, health insurance phone calls, and so on kept me somewhat distracted from the impending visit to the oncologist for the latest cancer update....

A happy highlight was spending the morning on the phone and successfully rescheduling my oncology consult and Rituxan infusion back to its original date - tomorrow!  I will meet with Kevin, my boffo nurse practitioner and the best lumbar puncture specialist I know :)  However, my level of anxiety is such that I instantly second-guessed why my favorite and most familiar Dalton RN didn't give me "the news" herself over the phone when she called to confirm that I was back on the Dalton docket.  Mind you, she has never given me news on the phone, probably doesn't have access to the news, and knows that I will be having a meeting tomorrow so why would I need to know now ....  Anyway, I am feeling super anxious so my mind is flying everywhere.

And in an instance of logistics getting in the way of life, the job lead in the city has not played out due to the simple truth that employer and applicant are indeed a continent apart. felt that they needed to interview me in person rather than via Skype.  Our June 14 trip to California is at the absolute last day / the end of their hiring window and - simply put - "too late."  Ah well, I am excited to have had a dry run and an excuse to get all my ducks in a row.  Now, time to regroup, refocus, and revisit that gorgeous Sausalito flat with a view of the water  :)

And the best part of today?  Jonathan is snoring away on the couch.  He's home for a few days and will go to VCU with me tomorrow.  Phew.  I dreaded going alone.

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