Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The BEST News... All CLEAR!

Tuesday - May 21, 2013

So both scans are completely clear! Hurrah! Jonathan was a comforting presence as I over thought and analyzed everything.  Why is Kevin coming into clinic just to see me if the news is good?  Why did Robin flag me down and say she had to see me? Too much angst and uncertainty but now all is well, we are breathing, we are planning, we are living today without dread. Now it's a morning of Rituxan followed by lunch with my boy in Richmond.  THANK you everyone for supporting me and comforting me as I became more and more nervous these last weeks. I am clearly not proficient at "watchful waiting."

1 comment:

JC said...

Yesssssssssssss. I was estatic to hear the good news. You and your family have been in our prayers and that is all I could do for you friend. I thank God for the good news. 21st May was 25 years since we married and I prayed it has to be only good news on our silver anniversary. I remembered you so much on the 21st. I am doing the crazy dance of happiness. Here is something for you to enjoy

Christine - you and your family are in my prayers always.