Sunday, May 26, 2013

Turning Our Attention WEST!

The water view from our future Sausalito home!
Sunday - May 26, 2013

Our pace has accelerated considerably since Joe and I happily absorbed Tuesday's cancer-free (!) scan news.  This FABULOUS milestone green lit our move to the San Francisco area and opened up the floodgates of our pre-pack-out checklist.  I suppose that with lymphoma having delayed this California transfer for a year, we were completely ready to jump when medical clearance finally came.

So now, we are methodically attacking our to-do list:
  • confirming all the details that a government transfer and pack-out entail,
  • starting the ball rolling to transfer my medical treatment to UCSF,
  • addressing the slew of requirements needed to secure my California teaching license,
  • and - most significantly - closing the deal on a fabulous Sausalito apartment!
Joe found and then checked out this wonderful perch above Richardson Bay when he was out on business and biking around (!) the Bay area a few weeks ago.  For those of you who are unaware, Joseph is gifted and motivated when it comes to real estate.  He loves to look and has yet again found us a great spot.  An amazing view, a pitch-perfect location that gives him 3 options to commute to work, and a pretty nifty apartment that provides the venue for enjoying that spectacular sunny view.  The hitch (?) - oh, let's call it an opportunity and a challenge - is that the space is much smaller than we have become habituated to these many years of accumulating stuff.  We will only bring a few select pieces of furniture and the bare minimum of everything else so a ruthless sorting is underway with frequent trips to Goodwill and many postings on eBay.  It's a bit of a game:  what's the balance between outfitting the apartment and stripping away the fat?  For example:  Cuisinart,YES (of course, we need pesto and Jonathan covets his "soft cookies"), Bread Machine, NO ... but Crock Pot?  Ah, such first world, no-cancer problems .... 

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