Monday, December 30, 2013

Barium for Breakfast

Monday - December 30, 2013
The quest continues to determine exactly what is causing my GI distress, continued out-of-whack liver tests, and whether the former is caused by the latter.  Today I returned to the exact same UCSF waiting room I had visited on Friday for my port removal.  This time I had a GI x-ray complete with stomach distending concoctions, multiple densities of barium, and acrobatic positions from both myself and the amazing system of x ray machines with which I am now more familiar than I would like.  The good news is that my "GI structure" is unremarkable and functioning normally!  No visible obstructions or abnormalities.  The not-so-great news is that apparently the mystery continues.

I confess that I am always quite appreciative (?) / reflective (?) / mindful (?) of these real-time peeks into my functioning body.  Rousing me from my anesthesia for some instructions, the neurosurgeon gave me the chance to watch the blood vessels of my brain flood with black contrast during my April 2012 catheter angiogram.  In my May 2012 Muga scan, I was treated to a full color view of my beating heart.  Today, I watched the barium drain into (and out of) my Cyprus-shaped stomach.  (Yes, my geography-nerdiness pops up even when I am squeezed into an x-ray machine, sipping barium from a straw, with my head lower than my feet.)  What a wonder our bodies are.  I find these peeks to be very spiritual experiences.

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