Saturday, December 7, 2013

Another Incident

Saturday - December 7, 2013

So, here's a puzzlement:  2 identical take-out orders of delectable pizza 2 weeks apart. Same order.  Same restaurant. A routine from a lovely (clean) restaurant that has been repeated on more than these 2 occasions.  Our previous takeouts = a settled stomach and sweet dreams.  Last night = immediate gastro discomfort followed by stomach emptying upheaval 4 hours later and an exhausting night of chills and complete exhaustion.  I truly wish I knew what was going on.    My first consult with the liver specialist is Wednesday.  Perhaps light will be shed!  Wouldn't that be nice?  At this point, evening meals seem like roulette.  Eating earlier in the day has never caused a reaction.  Eating after 5 pm now makes me wary.  Seriously considering bread and fruit tonight.  I need to sleep deeply and without incident.

Speaking of which ... last night's drama was heightened by Sadie licking and rupturing the hemangioma on her front leg.  In my gastro self-focus, I had forgotten to put on her protective collar and she managed to open up the hemangioma.  Blood everywhere ... on the sheets, through to the mattress pad, on her, on me ....  I awoke this morning to my hands rusty with blood and a heavy laundry agenda.  Happily, our ever-cheery Sadie is now necklaced, comfortable, and scheduled for what should be routine surgery on Tuesday morning.  Equally happily, I was distracted from the drama (and the laundry) by a lovely "Breakfast with Santa" event up at school where I enjoyed the company of many second graders and their families.

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