Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Medical Day

Wednesday - December 18, 2013

As it happens, I am weathering California cough / cold #2 on a day where I had already scheduled a sick day for my first group of liver tests at UCSF.  Somewhat energized after last night's 13 hours of deep sickly sleep, I was functional for the UCSF outing and happily backstopped by Megan's company.  The liver ultrasound was long and involved;  I won't know any results until ... hmmm... well I guess I'm not actually sure when the liver specialist will get back to me.  She felt that this test would not surface any explanations and only the yet-to-be-scheduled liver biopsy might shed light. Perhaps she will call in the interim.

Ironically, today's more comprehensive blood tests showed that my pesky AST and ALT enzyme levels have finally turned downward.  While still above normal, they are only slightly elevated (about + 10% versus +100%).  Other liver markers are high.  Methotrexate successfully eradicated my lymphoma but its impact on my liver is clear.  How this impact will affect me going forward is UNclear....  More tests next week!

As for my GI distress, last week's new prescription is doing the trick and I am feeling MUCH better!  How wonderful to be able to eat without fear of an evening of distress, disrupted sleep, and vomiting.

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