Monday, January 20, 2014

A Wonderful Month

Jonathan  birthday gift unwrapping (in the ER)
Monday - January 20, 2014

Today is the official end to our fabulous month of our winter holiday and simply being together.  I've just returned from driving Megan back to Davis, Jonathan left for his final semester at Virginia Tech on Friday morning, and Joe and I will now recalibrate and return to our comfortable empty nest routine.  Our month was marked by explorations of Marin, lots of fabulous meals around town and at home, movies, board games, and of course much cuddling with the hounds and watching sports.  Much downtime, lots of hanging out, with Joe taking time off work and me succeeding in holding off lesson planning for large swaths of time.  Jonathan hunkered down on the living room couch as we stretched the limits of our tiny apartment above the bay.  It was all worthwhile.  Who knows when we'll have this luxurious block of time to relax and spend time together?

We wrapped up our month with Jonathan's 23rd birthday celebration on Thursday.  With Megan coming back from Davis to share the day, the kids went into the city for a meal and movie (while Joe and I worked) and then returned to Sausalito with the plan for dinner birthday festivities.  However, it's good to be flexible and - long story short - we ended up unexpectedly celebrating Jonathan's 23rd in the hallway of San Francisco General's ER.  This surprise diversion was just a precautionary observation of Joe and some extant issues yet it still raised the adrenalin.  And an inner city ER is QUITE a scene, giving us ample reasons - once more - to be grateful for our good health and connection.  All's well that end's well.  A birthday to remember :)   A month to cherish.

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