Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Back from Winter Break = Back Online

Wednesday - January 23, 2013

Never enough rounds of Catan ...
Well with Joe back at work today and Jonathan in his second day back at VA Tech ...  it's official; it's the end of a long and languid winter break.  Megan and I are holding down the fort at home and finding our rhythm back from a very low-key, very relaxing five weeks.  (NOTE:  The hounds continue their autumn/winter/early spring role of lounging in front of the fire as opposed to their late spring/summer role of lounging in pools of sunshine.  Vacation breaks are constant for these happy dogs.)   I suppose it's time to get back online and back in touch with the world.  I have been hunkered down with books (George R.R. Martin seriously needs a ruthless editor but at this point I simply cannot stop reading his five volumes of "A Song of Fire and Ice" until I am done) games (CATAN!!!), cooking, and family for many happy weeks.  Entire days have passed without cracking the computer open.  Now as a sense of routine and familiar schedule resumes, my focus has been wrenched back to the coinflip that is my health prognosis - 50% chance of continuing health countered with a 50% chance of relapse.  My next day of tests looms.  Monday, February 4, I return to VCU for a morning PET scan and an afternoon MRI.  I'll get the results the following week at which point my sense of limbo will be reset (either for good or bad) at least for another precious interlude.

AND as I re-gear out of winter break mode, I must confess that I am feeling some real anger (toward the universe? my bone marrow?  rotten luck?) that cancer has robbed me of my job.  I was so very excited and happy to be teaching after so many years of anticipation.  I was truly enjoying applying my experience, education, and enthusiasm in the classroom.  I loved the school, curriculum, and community.  Now, everything's on hold.  Rats.  I do feel robbed.  Even if this health-imposed lull is only a short term reality, I feel gypped.  Ah, well....  Patience and appreciation for the many many positives ....

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