Monday, October 28, 2013

"All Clear" and Swooning with Relief

Monday - October 28, 2013

"Your scans are all clear" and "everything is perfectly normal" infuse true energy.  My relief is completely tangible - I tingled from toes to ears as my body relaxed? released adrenalin? celebrated with an electrical outburst? Happily, I was sitting down in the car having just emerged from the market on my way home from school.  If I had been driving, I would have had to pull over ....

Well, it is truly one year now, even by UCSF's measurement.  One year since my last treatment without a relapse of this stage 4 scourge.  One year and 3 months since active lymphoma was extinguished from visibility on current-technology scans.  Seventeen months since "the particularly nasty chemo protocol" of Hyper-CVAD gifted me with migraine relief and restored vision.  One year without allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant and its risks.  One year of feeling grateful and strengthening and enjoying my days.

Thank you everyone for your words of support and acts of kindness.

Next steps will be decided when I consult with my oncologist on Nov. 14.  As for my port?  Well, if that proverbial green light is lit, then "Bye-bye!"


Kim said...

Let that burden be lifted from your soul and ejoy your little ones as your teach them in your own fantastic style to love life and love learning. My joy is overflowing for you!!!!


Unknown said...

We are so so so RELIEVED!!! And, yes indeed my dear friend, my life is so much fuller and happier in the company of young children. I am blessed in so many ways!