Friday, October 25, 2013

Reading the (Lack of) Tea Leaves?

Waiting (for dinnertime or for test results) can create anxiety
Friday - October 25, 2013

Waiting ... waiting...  waiting ....  But NO news.  What does this lack of news mean? 
Is the oncologist not in the office? 
Have the results not been read? 
Or is it bad news and ....
Well, my oncologist said he would phone me one way or the other
so ... therefore ... I may infer ... I can guess ...
that there is no news yet
or no one to deliver it. 
But I'm not freaking out or overthinking ... yet.
Am I?

Thank God I am working in a happy job where I am "in the moment" for the vast majority of the day.  Otherwise I would go absolutely ... CRAZY!

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