Friday, August 23, 2013

What a Difference a Year Makes

Friday - August 23, 2013

I can't imagine ever tiring of our glorious view
Although my energy is flagging in the midst of this final full-focus push to Monday's start of the school year, I need to pause and blog, to memorialize my awareness and gratitude for the stark difference between August 23, 2013's inclusion in life and participation in community and August 23, 2012's (rare) episode of tears on a generally frustrating day.  I was aware that a long-anticipated school year was starting without me and physically feeling the symptoms that would morph into an unexpected (and ninth!) hospitalization the following day.  And today?  Well, personally I am enjoying some comfort from yesterday's procedural lets-just-check-in oncology visit and professionally, I am enjoying the sweetest treat of all:  making connections with my new students and parents visiting the classroom for the first time.  What a difference a year makes :) 

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