Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Better Kind of Summer

Saturday - August 17, 2013

Well, THAT was an improvement!  Summer 2013 was a definite upgrade from the neutropenic, chemo-filled, no-hair, collapsed-on-the-couch, hospital-centric, mucositis-afflicted summer of 2012.  Not that last summer harbors all bad associations.  After all, here I am. Under the care and love of Joe, Jonathan, Megan, and Carolyn.  With the hands-on support and emotional boost of my family, colleagues, and friends.  I survived.

Yet, it isn't saying too much to say that I prefer life as it is this summer.  Our children have regained weight and peace of mind, Joe and I are feeling more settled into California living (after a year's delay), I am embarking on a new classroom adventure in a fabulous community, and Andy Murray even won Wimbledon.  Yup.  Summer 2013 beat Summer 2012 hands down!  I continue to REJOICE in my migraine-free, single-vision life.  No constant crushing pain, no eye patch, no dizziness.  No uncertainty about an imminent Bone Marrow Transplant.  Am I still walking on broken glass every time I feel a speck of sweat?  Of course.  Does my stomach plummet if I think I might have the slightest twinge of a headache?  You betcha.  But another season has passed with my lymphoma still purged from my strengthening body.  Every clear month breathes more hope into my prognosis.  I am inching away from that Summer 2012 brink.

Summer 2013 is now officially over.  Jonathan and Megan have returned to their studies after a week of play, hanging out, and eating here in Marin and San Francisco.  Cancer was not hanging over us.  The fatigue and hair loss that branded cancer into our lives has receded.  I can hike and am not as visibly marked as I was even a few months ago.  We can push our concerns back into our minds and just focus on finding the best pizza in the area, watching the America's Cup qualifier, going to a baseball game, laughing at the hounds as they shake off the wind, and appreciate the vista from our perch above Sausalito.  Is there ever enough time to be with your children?  As they establish their independent lives and schedules, our time together assumes even more importance, truly precious time.  Only 14 more weeks until we see Jonathan (but who's counting?).... 

Summer's end is also measured by a full return to work.  In truth, I have been back at work, readying my classroom and lessons since we arrived in California.  17 days in the classroom and it is just about fully cleaned out and set up.  I have also been forging a cheerful and satisfying collaboration with a teaching partner with whom I share similar energies, passions, and point of view.  I am SO SO mindful of this gift of connection, opportunity, and community.  As Joe points out, I have always enjoyed great good fortune in finding a collegial community - ISG and ISB in Beijing, PPA in Hong Kong, PS 183 in Manhattan, Rock Spring in Arlington, and Matoaka and DJ  in Williamsburg.  I am excited to see what's next.

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