Thursday, July 25, 2013

GOOD News by Phone

Phone call from my oncologist?! UH oh .... BUT GOOD NEWS! The MRI is definitely clear and although the radiologist has not yet written a PET report, the oncologist says it looks all clear to his eyes: "nothing lighting up, looks completely unremarkable." Oh, UCSF thank you for not making me fret for a week! Oh, new Dr., thanks for a phone call that brings GOOD NEWS! Oh, universe, thanks for my restored health. Oh, family and friends, THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! I LOVE GOOD NEWS!!! Time to celebrate at the DMV  :)


JC said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaay Christine. Read the wonderful news. I hope you are enjoying the scenic view from your lovely home and your new job. You look good Christine. Thank God for this wonderful news.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much, Joyce! What a treat to be in touch! Life is very VERY good and I am so incredibly grateful.