Sunday, May 11, 2014

2 Years (and counting...)

Sunday - May 11, 2014

Finally, my long diagnostic journey ended 2 years ago today with an after-hours phone call from my new oncologist.  He used the words "stage 4" as well as "cure" in that conversation. Carolyn and I were taking careful notes so we could share details with Joe, Megan, and Jonathan, all of whom were spread out across the continent and awaiting the news.  Today - 2 years after that horrible news/ hopeful news telephone call - Megan and I walked around the Whole Earth Festival in Davis where she had wandered around waiting for that final cancer verdict on May 11, 2012.  What a difference to traipse around together on a perfect northern California spring day exploring the craft booths, vegan dining, drum circles, and hula hoop / hackey sack diversions.  No migraines.  No double vision.  Just the opportunity to enjoy another interlude of small pleasures and family company.  Another great day of loving being a mom! 

I am certainly not going to use the "cure" word anytime soon BUT it is comforting to know that my oncologists hold it out as a possibility and that my odds improve with every month of "No Evidence of Disease."  So here's one happy mom on Mother's Day.  Grateful.  Healthy.  Thrilled to have had these 2 years and wishing for many more.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sound therapy is a blend of different sound formulas which are produced by many sound emitting tools which can heal diseases as common as cold to as difficult to cure diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s etc.
Sound therapy is effective in Cancer healing effectively and rapidly. It can also assist in healing if the patient is under any medical treatment for Acute Sinusitis.