Sunday, November 24, 2013

Together for First Anniversary of "Ambinder Day"

Sunday - November 24, 2013

Yup, commemorating another milestone; it's been a year since that amazing / shocking trip to Baltimore where Hopkins' Dr. Ambinder rebooted my treatment plan.  An imminent Bone Marrow Transplant was shelved,  "watchful waiting" was endorsed, and we were to resume our interrupted lives.  All of a sudden, we were breathing again.  Hospital incanceration was no longer on the schedule.  Was I cured?  No way.  But "Complete Response" was tattooed on my virtual medical chart and I was free to carry on as usual....

I remember coming home and Joe beginning to plan a Christmas get-away, seizing the opportunity to travel as a family now that I was safe to face the germs and immune challenges of planes, crowds, and life in contact with human beings.  We talked about when I would be strong enough to return to work, how quickly we could travel north to see Joe's mom, and whether we might now resume our plans to move to California.  And now here we are a year later in Sausalito, happily working, enjoying our view from our perch on the hill, and relishing our week of hosting the kids for Thanksgiving after 14 weeks apart....

Blessings.  Gratitude.  Happiness.  Life is oh so good. 
At Rodeo Beach - 10 minutes from the house!

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