Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Phenomenal Long Weekend

Monday - July 22, 2013

Combine Carolyn and Megan for a cheery joint birthday celebration.  Add in the pleasure of Chris' company.  Mix with many fine meals including Joe's introduction of a favorite North Beach pizzeria and Megan's hosting us at a familiar favorite in Davis.  Flavor with multiple walks around Sausalito, Fort Baker, San Francisco, and Angel Island.  Spice up the long weekend with many laughs about the unusual-for-us July weather, our success in figuring out the apartment's heating system, our triumph in jerry-rigging the dogs' access to the front yard, and Sadie's stealthy counter-cruising, food stealing and burying exploits.  What do you get?  Normalcy.  Happiness.  Diversion.  It's been a fantastic long weekend :)

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