Thursday, November 1, 2012

Kudos to Kidneys

Thursday - November 1, 2012

Joe wins Scrabble.  I win the blood level bet.
It's funny how a dose of silliness can forge connections across roles and add some energy to the mundane.  Yesterday, Joe and I had some fun going on the record with predictions of my Halloween methotrexate level (J=0.13, C=0.08) and sharing these projected levels in our discussions with nurses and doctors.  Well, when the level came back BANG ON with my prognostication of 0.08 (I'm the winner - ding ding ding!), everyone came through the door with a little more zip in their step to share the news.  "You won't believe the number!  "You won the bet!"  The oncology intern just came in laughing to discuss the number thus marking day #2 of this revelry!  Being so close to the mandated "untraceable" level of 0.05, today's blood draw will be moved up earlier to 11 a.m. with the thought that I can get home by late afternoon / early evening!  Hurrah for my stupendous kidneys!  They are working OVERtime.  I am trying to do my part, pushing aside the standing desk for today and putting my feet up to minimize edema.  With massive amounts of fluids flushing out this methotrexate, I can see the effects in my legs and in my potassium levels (I am once again on supplements).  Time to just sit down and help my kidneys out.


1:30    My superlative chemo-purging kidneys have come through for me AGAIN!  Once more, they have cleared this even higher dose of methotrexate by day #4 and I am headed HOME!!  Bravo!  I love my kick-ass kidneys ....

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