Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Solo Trip #2 to Dalton ("No Bags Hung")

Tuesday - October 16, 2012
Well ... "solo" except for my platelet ...

Having packed up my extra "just-for-insurance" sofy fuzzy yellow platelet, iPad, New Yorkers, medical records book, phone, camera, and patience, I am off up I-64 to Dalton for a blood draw.  IF my platelets are acceptable, then not only will no bags be hung but also I may not have to go back to VCU until next week!


Wow!  3.5 hours roundtrip door to door!  Home already and it is not yet noon!  Bravo for my platelets who are fighting the good fight!  They are on the decline however (141 to 91 since Friday) and my RN was unsure about when I would need to return for my next blood test.  She will check with Dr. Perkins who said on Friday that if my levels were "good" today then I might not have to come in for the rest of the week.  I'll know tomorrow if I will be Richmond-free until next Monday.  Fingers crossed!


Thanks to NPR and my iPad, I banked four hours of housework and organization today.  What is going on?  Well, given that I've done almost nothing in 2012, let's just say I'm due (and thank you to Joe and Carolyn for keeping the house from being condemned).  Pretty soon I'll be at the point where I'll be deep cleaning the bathrooms ...

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