Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Glimpse into the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit

Tuesday - June 5, 2012

The Adult Oncology floor is completely full so I am quartered on the Bone Marrow Transplant unit for this second round of chemo.  The food is MUCH better BUT food restrictions are vigilantly enforced: no food may be brought in, visitors must have lids on all beverages, and visitors may not eat in rooms.  So much for our previous Einstein Bagel fun on CCH2....  As has been the case in all interactions here at VCU, the BMTU staff has been approachable, knowledgeable, and available.  I'm very impressed.

On an interesting note, the attending physician asked me if I had made a decision about MY thoughts of a future bone marrow transplant.  I told him quite honestly that I was certainly not at that point in my discussions with my oncologists and in my own thinking.  Joe and I have only vaguely touched on this option.  I feel slightly rocked by this extended timeline (and I don't rock that easily).  I am focused on my current 6 (maybe 8?) cycles of Hyper-CVAD.  First things first.  I certainly want to be thoughtful and balanced in considering a transplant - now is not the time  :)

By mid-afternoon, the chemo and other fluids had been set up via a 4 pump pole!  I feel completely tricked out. Positives about the space:  continued privacy in my room and an awesome view of the rooftop helicopter pad.  Things I might miss about CCH2:  the triple size window with a better view and better seating.  Things that remain wonderful:  fine nursing and good company!  Carolyn has been with me today and whooped my behind on 4 straight games of backgammon!  I must rest up for a rematch tomorrow....

So tonight I sleep here in Richmond with thoughts of our family flung out in four different directions:  Joe is in Williamsburg working and tending the hounds, Jonathan is studying in Blacksburg, and Megan is flying back to Davis.  Yet we are constantly in touch.  Gotta love modern technology  :)

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