Thursday, May 14, 2015

Farewell to UCSF Oncology

Fabulous vista.  Who can spot the Golden Gate bridge?
Thursday - May 14, 2015

Today was my last quarterly check-up at UCSF.  These 2 years, I have felt well cared for and included in my care decisions at UCSF Hematology.  I believe I have had thoughtful care from a collaborative and reflective teaching hospital team.  The conversations feel like dialogues rather than pronouncements.  They also go the extra yard to treat all of my immuno-compromised self.  A perfect example is today when I presented with one of my epic going-on-6-weeks upper respiratory illnesses.  Although I had been to the UCSF clinic on Tuesday for this nasty, horrible cough / cold, the oncology clinic did a full work up on me - again! - and then referred me for a pertussis swab (despite an absence of whooping)  "just to rule anything out."  Today we also discussed transferring my care BACK to VCU and my original oncology team.  Carolyn had suggested I travel south to Richmond every few months rather than finding a new team in the DC area.  My UCSF oncologist agreed that this plan made a lot of sense and then presented his view on future decision points e.g., scans and bone marrow transplants.  We also agreed that if things head south, I skedaddle up to Johns Hopkins.  Sounds like a plan.  Now it's time to start transferring all of my records - another indication that our move is in full swing.