Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Shingles Vaccine: Take 2

Wednesday - February 25, 2015

This summer's shingles vaccine attempt was not successful when I surprisingly came down with shingles (ironic) during the time interval meant to clear my system of the anti-shingles meds I have been on since the start of my chemo in May 2012.  Acyclovir prevents shingles outbreaks and therefore would not allow the live zoster vaccine to take hold.  Obviously that three week time interval was too long.  However, Acyclovir may be impacting my liver and my team wants me OFF it.  Thus the need for the vaccine. 

Take 2:  After MUCH consultation, my oncology / hepatology / infectious disease medical team has come up with the plan of taking me off shingles-fighting Acyclovir for 1 day, administering the live vaccine on day 2, staying off Acyclovir for an additional 2 weeks to allow the live vaccine some time to take effect, and then to resume Acyclovir for 3 months.  After 3 months, I will go off Acyclovir BUT carry mega doses on my person at all times in case I feel any symptoms of a shingles outbreak.  In July / August, my first symptom was back pain shooting down my leg.  I simply thought I had pulled my lower back lifting or carrying.  My doctors seem rather confident that I will be able to identify a recurrence before the zoster actually blisters up.

The overall idea is to equip me with as much protection as possible for ... life in general and ... in case I relapse.

So today was the day.  Shingles vaccine has been administered and ... we'll see....  No Acyclovir for 2 weeks and looking out for vaccine reactions over the next few days.