Sunday, September 28, 2014

Summer Memories and Autumn Dreams

28th Anniversary breakfast at Fort Baker.  Yum.
Sunday - September 28, 2014

I think that I can state with perhaps 85% confidence that my scourge lymphoma is retreating onto the back burner of my consciousness.  Yes, perhaps "the emperor of all maladies" has robbed me of true peace of mind and does occasionally ambush me with ferocious inhumanity.  For example, in August my first ever UTI  had my emotions convinced that I was symptomatic of uterine or cervical cancer when my intellect knew that it was just a (very uncomfortable) UTI.  I suppose cancer is indeed a thief that steals our complacency and assumption that "all is well."

However, think about that....  The flip side of this hyper-vigilance is that I feel even more aware and appreciative than my pre-lymphoma self.  Reveling in time with children and husband, happy for summer visits with sisters and friends, content with our cheery and needy hounds, and working to see the positives and eliminate the stresses where I can.  I am loving our new cadre of second graders and excited to see those wonderful now-third graders who made life so fun last year.  The hills are gold outside my classroom window, Richardson Bay shines in the sun outside our apartment windows, and we are loving the fresh air and ocean breezes in Marin.  Life is very very good.  I am grateful for health, for connections, for time ....