Friday, June 20, 2014

First Day of (my) Summer!

A pattern block eaglet courtesy of some splendid 2nd graders!
Friday - June 20, 2014

As of 3:45 this afternoon, summer has officially fledged!  Yes I may be referencing the onset of summer as heralded by all three of the Decorah eaglets having fledged as of this afternoon (!), but I am also officially and EXPLICITLY in a quieter mode after finishing 3 days of math professional development at 3:45.  Since our amazing second graders wrapped up class 2 weeks ago today, life has been chock full with:
  • a visit with Jonathan here in the Bay area
  • packing out of my classroom
  • 2 days of workshops and meetings at school
  • travel with Jonathan to Dulles
  • moving Jonathan into his new Arlington apartment (read lots of unpacking, Ikea shopping, furniture hauling, furniture assembly etc.!)
  • visiting Rachel and family in Winchester 
  • meeting Megan in Philadelphia and traveling with her to visit Joe's mom in Pennsylvania
  • visiting with many family and friends in Northern Virginia
  • and then returning to San Francisco to wrap up this 2 week frenzy of action with 3 (very interesting) days of math training.
Megan and Maureen
I am ready to regroup ... relax ... and restock my energies.  With that goal in mind, I aim to embrace my summer.  I plan to contain most of my work / prep for next year to 1 day a week over the summer.  While Joe has not complained, it has been a nonstop year of work and I think that I need some downtime in order to ... breathe, think, sleep, and regain some balance in life :)  It's time to do some work at home, to enjoy my family, and perhaps just to curl up with the dogs and read.  Wouldn't that be glorious?

Oh, who am I kidding?!  I have too much fun prepping and that math training was absolutely great - so inspiring!  Exception to the rule:  surfing the net and prepping materials on my computer at night won't count against that 1 day/week goal  :)